Eric Standlee
Eric Standlee, Principal and VP of Business Development and Bank Relationship Development with family owned Houston private funding firm American Prudential Capital, Inc., founded the on-line/off-line community InHouston which meets once a month every second Wednesday in Uptown Park. InHouston has grown from 6 people in February 2008 to 400+ at the meeting by June 2009. On-line the group on LinkedIn and their own social network has grown to larger than 10,000 members and is part of the InCity Networks which is starting similar groups around the country.
Eric has helped his family’s funding firm increase sales by more than $15 million in monthly numbers utilizing what he knows about social networking sites like LinkedIn. He speaks regularly at two or more venues about “Driving Revenue using Social Networking”. Eric is currently the host of two internet “radio shows”: The Everything Super Show and The Everything Networking show both of which are available for download free from iTunes. He has written and published a book on Amazon called “Alternative Funding” and is currently writing 4 more business books to come out soon. Eric‘s family’s private funding firm provides funding to growing commercial b2b companies.
Eric has helped his family’s funding firm increase sales by more than $15 million in monthly numbers utilizing what he knows about social networking sites like LinkedIn. He speaks regularly at two or more venues about “Driving Revenue using Social Networking”. Eric is currently the host of two internet “radio shows”: The Everything Super Show and The Everything Networking show both of which are available for download free from iTunes. He has written and published a book on Amazon called “Alternative Funding” and is currently writing 4 more business books to come out soon. Eric‘s family’s private funding firm provides funding to growing commercial b2b companies.
Alternative forms of funding corporate growth exist. In these troubled times, we need to look beyond the same old funding methods and learn the hard lessons from the misuse of inappropriate funding.
Firms can grow without limits, without giving up equity, without long-term debt.
Social Networking
There is a right way and a wrong way to utilize social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook to generate real revenue.
Servant Leader
Networking = hand out desperate salesie and pushy.
Servant Leader Netweaving = give first, pay-it-forward, golden rule interactions where giving always ends up coming back around to the giver.
Leveraged Buy Outs
In this depressed market, valuations are low and there is a lack of debt for buy outs. It is the perfect storm for some industries to see buyers buy up a whole sub-segment.

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